Oral Hygiene


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Many people have never been taught how to brush their teeth or how to floss correctly.  Dental diseases such as gingivitis (bleeding gums), periodontitis (gum disease), and tooth decay (cavities) are caused by bacteria that live in plaque.  Plaque is the filmy substance that fills the nooks and crannies of your mouth after meals.

It cannot be emphasized more strongly—if you want to avoid bacterial diseases in your mouth, you need to remove the plaque from your teeth and gums. The most effective ways to do this are to have good home care.

One of the contributors to dental disease is poor diet choices. If you need a snack, choose nutritious low in sugar foods and limit in-between meals. We would love to show you how at the Shelton Dental Center.

We would be glad to show you how to Brush and Floss. We want to prevent disease before it starts. Call today to schedule your dental checkup, consultation, or second-opinion visit. We want to give you a reason to smile!

Shelton Dental Center